
<override_macro name="send_registration_email" parameters="email, next_url, key" unindent="true">
    <n.set_var. name='confirm_url'>
            <subject><t><> Registration</t></subject>
                <t>Dear user,</t>

                <t>Thank you for registering for the <> forum.</t>

                *<t>Email confirmation</t>*
                <t>Before clicking on the confirmation link below to activate your account, please read the <a href="">forum rules</a>.</t>

                <n.var name='confirm_url'/>

                <t>If you didn't request this email or have no idea why you received it, please ignore it.</t>

                <t>Dear user,</t>

                <t>Thank you for registering for the <> forum.</t>

                *<t>Email Confirmation</t>*
                <t>Before clicking on the confirmation link below to activate your account, please read the <a href="">forum rules</a>.</t>

                <n.var name='confirm_url'/>

                <t>If you didn't request this email or have no idea why you received it, please ignore it. </t>

                <t>Dear user,</t><br/>
                <t>Thank you for registering for the <> forum.</t>
                <div style="font-weight:bold;margin-bottom:.25em">
                    <t>Email Confirmation</t>
                <t>Before clicking on the confirmation link below to activate your account, please read the <a href="#">forum rules</a>.</t>
                <div style="background-color:#FFFADB;border:#EDDD79 solid 1px;margin:1.2em 0;padding:.5em">
                    <a href="[n.var name='confirm_url'/]"><n.var name='confirm_url'/></a>
                <div style="margin:.3em 0 1.2em">
                    <t>If you didn't request this email or have no idea why you received it, please ignore it.
                <a href="[n.base_url/]"><n.base_url/></a>
                <div style="margin:1.5em 0;color:#666666;font: 11px tahoma,geneva,helvetica,arial,sans-serif;">
                    <n.macro_viewer_email_link macro="send_registration_email"/>